L'Institut de littérature comparée de l'Université de Strasbourg et son...
Enseignements 2025: reportez-vous au site de la faculté des lettres.
Mme Sasha Richman, doctorante de notre institut, et sa collègue Mme Solenne Guyot, signalent la tenue d'une conférence (en anglais) sur l'éthique, la morale et la littérature:
Lundi 16 mai 2022, 18h-20h, amphithéâtre du Collège Doctoral Européen (CDE), 46 boulevard de la Victoire, Strasbourg
Conférence: Is morality a big mistake?
Résumé: What is the nature of moral facts? Do such facts exist? Can moral statements claim truth? Perhaps you think the death penalty is unjust? Or that abortion is morally acceptable? Could it be that you are wrong? In this conference, error theorists François Jaquet (University of Strasbourg) and Hichem Naar (University of Duisburg-Essen) will address these questions and present their latest publication, Qui peut sauver la morale ? Essai de métaéthique [Who can save morality? Essay on metaethics] (Les Éditions d’Ithaque, 2019). The first manual on metaethics to appear in French, the work focuses specifically on moral error theory, by which all moral judgments are false. By offering both psychological and ontological arguments and explanations of moral error theory, Jaquet and Naar will explain how our presuppositions about morality are necessarily false.
This in-person conference is organized by Solenne Guyot and Sasha Richman, PhD students in literature from the Programme doctoral international (PDI) of the University of Strasbourg.
"Émancipations: littérature, colonialisme et politique au XIXe siècle",...
Le XIXe siècle: actuel ou intempestif? Comprendre, enseigner, transmettre...
Boris de Schloezer. Scriabine. Édition établie et commentée par Tatiana...